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Safe Return, a painting by FF Long, 21463 Scenic Drive, Mentone, AL 35984 (1-205-634-4724) Organic Prayer, a painting by FF Long, 21463 Scenic Drive, Mentone, AL 35984 (1-205-634-4724) Teacher, Teacher, a painting by FF Long, 21463 Scenic Drive, Mentone, AL 35984 (1-205-634-4724)
Gallery One

The Forging of Spirit Kings, a painting by FF Long, 21463 Scenic Drive, Mentone, AL 35984 (1-205-634-4724) Journey, a painting by FF Long, 21463 Scenic Drive, Mentone, AL 35984 (1-205-634-4724) The Power of Love, a painting by FF Long, 21463 Scenic Drive, Mentone, AL 35984 (1-205-634-4724)

Gallery Two

Vectors of Lesser Gods, a painting by FF Long, 21463 Scenic Drive, Mentone, AL 35984 (1-205-634-4724) New Lobe Liberation, a painting by FF Long, 21463 Scenic Drive, Mentone, AL 35984 (1-205-634-4724)
Gallery Three

Birthday of Beginnings, a painting by FF Long, 21463 Scenic Drive, Mentone, AL 35984 (1-205-634-4724) Starfishing, a painting by FF Long, 21463 Scenic Drive, Mentone, AL 35984 (1-205-634-4724)
Gallery Four

The Eternal Ecstacy of Isabella, a painting by FF Long, 21463 Scenic Drive, Mentone, AL 35984 (1-205-634-4724) The Bonding of Sacred Scribes, a painting by FF Long, 21463 Scenic Drive, Mentone, AL 35984 (1-205-634-4724) The Anointed One, a painting by FF Long, 21463 Scenic Drive, Mentone, AL 35984 (1-205-634-4724)
Gallery Five
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A note about viewing thse images: Due to compression and screen resolution what you see cannot accurately represent the true quality and detail of this work. This painting is copyrighted by FF Long, all rights reserved.

Contact Information: You can reach the artist by e-mail at:, or write to: Rick Long, 21463 Scenic Drive, Mentone, AL 35984 (1-205-634-4724)

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This page last updated 1:37 AM on 2/12/97
Designed by Chris Maher
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